India urgently needs an intelligence driven counter terror organisation …… By Maroof Raza and Pathikrit Payne If the bi-cycle blasts in Pune had worked to

In The Dragon’s Eye

In The Dragon’s Eye

The military drubbing India received from the Chinese 50 years ago still rankles many of us as many of our army units, despite being ill-clad

Then, There Was None

Then, There Was None

The hanging of Ajmal Kasab (it’s actually ‘Kasaab’, butcher in his native tongue) has closed one chapter on the sordid saga of the attacks on

Battling The Maoist

Battling The Maoist

The Maoist insurgents have been expanding their footprint across India’s heartland over the past several years, and their red line of rebellion now runs from

Failing to learn from history

Failing to learn from history

Military dictators of Pakistan, and General Pervez Musharraf in particular, have had a tendency to make news with their air travel. General Zia-ul-Haq was killed

Death From The Sky

Death From The Sky

The ‘drone’ is emerging a favourite weapon of the powerful western countries: giving them hi-tech capabilities with no damage to their own lives and equipment,

A Slice of Afghan Pie

A Slice of Afghan Pie

About two years ago, while moderating a session at a well-attended international conference in London, I dared to state in the presence of some well-known

Message From Myanmar

Message From Myanmar

India’s recent attack on militant groups operating out of camps in Myanmar, has created considerable excitement within sections of the India’s strategic affairs community, the

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