Expect more shocks in Punjab

Expect more shocks in Punjab

Any serious observer of terror attacks on Indian soil over the past 25 years can see the Pakistani deep state’s role in planning, training, arming

New strategic equations

New strategic equations

Since 1958, when Japan chose to give official development assistance (ODA) to India—its first to any country—Indo-Japanese relations have moved steadily along, with the exception

Catching up with terrorists

Catching up with terrorists

Terrorism is both an ultra-modern and a very traditional conspiracy. Suicide bombers are revered before and after their deaths, pushed into the act with celebrity

Playing with fire

Playing with fire

It is believed that most nations come together either for improving the life of people with economic growth or to counter an external enemy or

Back to the Cold War brink

Back to the Cold War brink

In an attempt to take the initiative out of the hands of the US and its Arab allies, Russia has undertaken its biggest intervention in

The mighty Indian retaliation

The mighty Indian retaliation

All through the month of September, India’s military establishment celebrated as the 50th year of—what is now being proclaimed—India’s victory in the 1965 war. The

Tap the ex-service pool

Tap the ex-service pool

Despite a decade-long effort by military veterans for One Rank, One Pension (OROP), the subject finally caught the nation’s imagination only after their large sit-ins

Mortal obsession

Mortal obsession

Above all else, it was Pakistan’s obsession with Kashmir that led to the collapse of the NSA-level talks between Delhi and Islamabad. The talks were

Chinese checkmate

Chinese checkmate

Even before the ink had dried on the joint statement that followed the meeting between Prime Ministers Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif—apparently at Modi’s initiative—at

Message from Myanmar

Message from Myanmar

India’s recent attack on militant groups operating out of camps in Myanmar has created considerable excitement within sections of India’s strategic affairs community, the media

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